
Anna delivered a fantastic well-being event for our education learning Trust. Her delivery was insightful, interactive, well researched, but most of all extremely well received. We could see the impact Anna had immediately so we have utilised her coaching services as well.

— RANDALL, L - Cornwall Education Learning Trust, client

Anna provides a bespoke & compassionate approach to her coaching. Listens with empathy and her key skill is to achieve client transformation seamlessly without judgement.

— ADAMS, G - Coaching client

Anna is very knowledgeable and gave me the tools, advice and support I needed to make me believe in myself again – my confidence was at rock bottom. You are also a lovely person and very easy to work with and talk to which made the whole experience more enjoyable. Thank you so much!

— COCKWILL, D - Coaching client

Brilliant training session - highly evidence-based that gave me confidence.

— BISSENDEN, H - Starting Well training delegate

Anna is a passionate & highly skilled facilitator.