Let me help you find the intervention that best suits your needs.


Anna Dalziel, MCIPD

With over 20 years of HR generalist experience and 5 years of workplace well-being & coaching experience I launched Project Wellness to help organisations introduce meaningful training, practical interventions, coaching programmes and mediation to help people thrive at work by focusing on maximising their own well-being.

I started Project Wellness after many years of supporting NHS staff in Cornwall with their Health & Well-being. I realised during this time, and through my own personal project wellness, just how much agency we have over our own health, well-being, vitality and performance.

Workplaces are excellent locations to reach many people and provide opportunities for knowledge sharing and exploring ways of living that can significantly influence an individual’s sense of well-being and engagement with their life and work.

Having employees at their best and fully engaged is a business issue - it’s not just a nice to have.

Project Wellness Associates

Project Wellness also utilises a large network of local trainers, coaches and HR experts to help you care for your workforce.

If you are interested in becoming a Project Wellness Associate please drop me a message via the Contact page.

Get started with Project Wellness, today.